Identifying Potential Members


Jesus Tanchanco
Loyola Star Editor
The Loyola Star, Club Bulletin
February 19, 2018
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights
Rotary International District 3780
Quezon City, Philippines
Who are the potential members of a Rotary Club? The answer is, "just about everyone." There are very few people in our respective home communities who could never be members, which is a helpful and eye-opening point to keep in mind. More than that: just
about everyone actually could become a member, if you really wanted them, and if you worked hard enough to get them to join.

Of course, you (probably) don't want everyone in the community to join, for even ambitious people like you have their limits. You probably want to keep your group to a manageable size. At the same time, it's a good idea to keep your eyes open to all parts of the community for potential members.

The question that one may ask is “Why bring potential members from a diverse group based on Rotary’s unique classification principle?”

Because if you can bring those different types of members into your group, it will be more representative of the full community; your group will stand to gain broader community support. With a multi-sector membership, more different opinions will probably be expressed and discussed; that means better decisions may get made And a diverse, multi-sector membership is usually also a larger membership -- you will then have more talent, and also more varied kinds of talent, at your disposal. The contacts and connections made in a diverse, multi-sector group lead to new community relationships. And these relationships can spark new community initiatives that might never have otherwise existed.

The next question is “How do you identify potential members?” It's is a very simple process: Know the different sectors of the community and identify and list key potential members within each sector. There is an assumption here, though -- namely, that after you have located your potential members, you will go after them, and work to recruit them to your cause. To identify such members, and then stop there, is of little value; you need to bring them on board. Identifying your members is just part of the process. The sectors of a community are its basic component parts. Just about anything that exists has such components. Living beings have organs and cells; nations have towns and cities; galaxies have stars. In a community, the basic component parts are often called sectors.

The downsides seem small. The upsides are that they can give your group additional range and power. This is an issue for your group to consider carefully. At the very least, your potential members should be listed from among these key sectors; then you can decide how much you want to pursue each one. There may be other social institutions that you consider important. Add them to this list.

Of course, a list is just a list. Those listed are potential members; they may have never heard of you. They are certainly not yet flesh-and-blood members who are going to show up at meetings and do some work in-between. To make them real members, you have to contact them. Making contact with potential members is not a casual affair. Such contact is a form of courtship. Like most successful courtships, it requires thought and planning. It’s not going to be an easy task but if we don’t exert the necessary effort, we will not be able to move forward. Let’s do it.
Many Are Called, But Only the Best Remain
Jesse Tanchanco
Loyola Star Editor
The Loyola Star, Weekly Club Bulletin
July 11, 2016
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights
Rotary International District 3780
Quezon City, Philippines
We often hear the words from Matthew 22:14 “Many are called, but few are chosen.” And it is often applied to various situations wherein only the best, the finest, the top, those with the strongest convictions, beliefs, commitments, etc. stay on to harvest the fruits, receive the rewards, gain the satisfaction of achieving their ultimate objectives and goals in life.
The same can be applied to Rotary. Just observe how many are inducted at the start every Rotary year and how many still remain at the end and who continues on. These are the Rotarians who have learned what Rotary is all about, what it can do for you and not just what you can do for others, though this is a prime consideration for joining.
Many new members confine themselves to just attending meetings, regularly at first and then less and less with time. Members who belong to this category soon becomes bored with the meetings as they cannot identify with what is being discussed regarding club projects and district or any other activities (including fellowship) outside of a regular club meeting. These members have failed to bond or establish closer personal ties with the other members. They missed the opportunity to make new friends outside of their respective clubs – with Rotarians from other clubs in the district, from other districts in the Philippines and in other countries.
These are the type of members who have not experienced the satisfaction of being able to help others, see the smiles and hear then unending “thank you’s” of those who were helped, of those whose lives were changed for the better and those whose lives were saved.
For many of them, attending meetings soon becomes a burden and an unnecessary or even expensive exercise. Unless something is done to drastically to alter the way they look at Rotary, these members maybe already are considered as good as gone.
I guess the next logical question to ask is “What happened?” and “Who is to blame?” “Is it their sponsors, the club president, the membership chair, the past presidents, the other members?” The obvious answer is “all of the above.” Trying to mold a new member to become a true blue Rotarian is a collective task and not just of one or few individuals. When members leave, the reasons given were either they joined for the wrong reasons or they were not properly Rotarized.
Fact is those of us who early on discovered what Rotary is truly all about, those of us who have learned how to enjoy Rotary and make Rotary part of our life – We have failed to share with the new members, the “not-so-secret” secrets of Rotary that made us decide to stay on, stay committed and involved.
This new Rotary year, we are again presented with the opportunity to introduce new members into the organization. Let’s pledge and commit to keep them coming back and to stay on as we have. Let’s make this our new challenge.
Any takers? Hello? Anybody out there?
Service and Friendship


Jesse Tanchanco
Loyola Star Editor
The Loyola Star, Weekly Club Bulletin
May 2, 2016
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights
Rotary International District 3780
Quezon City, Philippines
I believe in service.
Service to humanity is a single human’s purpose. Compassion for life is humanity’s purpose. Serving humanity means giving actively; we must heal our grassroots communities before we heal our country and we must create organizations like Rotary by which to serve. We all have special needs that have been served well by mankind before us.
Therefore we must endeavor to serve others and provide a path to inclusion for all; as each ant makes up a colony, as each stone creates a path, as each friend provides friendship.
I believe in selflessness.
I have been in Rotary for almost 18 years where we are expected to adhere to the motto “Service Above Self”. Through my club, I have been involved in countless humanitarian projects which hopefully were able to make a difference in the lives of those who we tried to reach out to through the years. Although, I now realize this experience has also served me.
I have learned that everyone has a story to tell, and that through an individual’s ideas, one can truly understand and learn valuable lessons in life. It gives you a different perspective of what life is all about and the role that we play or supposed to play.
I believe in friendship.
My involvement in Rotary was not only fulfilling in terms of being able to help others, but for me it is also the friendship and close camaraderie that you are able to develop continuously not only in the community where you serve but worldwide.
I believe in purpose.
Every creature has a purpose whether it’s saving people from burning buildings, collecting pieces of sandwich for the colony, or just enjoying friendship. Every thing has a purpose, every moment has a purpose, every friendship has a purpose. Every life’s purpose results in two things: learning or teaching – exactly what happens in high school.
I believe empowering humanity is the key to our future.
A single human is not eternal, but the imprint they leave on humanity is. As a society we must work together to help each other succeed in life, as the success of individuals collectively benefits humankind, and that is what we are as humanity—a collection of successful ideas. Humanity is a web, spun from a story. Humanity is a colony, built on a path. Humanity is a collection of friendships, created by a lunch period.


Gifts We Can Offer One Another

Jesse Tanchanco

Loyola Star Editor
The Loyola Star, Weekly Club Bulletin
April 25, 2016
Rotary Club of Loyola Heights
Rotary International District 3780
Quezon City, Philippines
Sometimes the people we have to work with give us a hard time instead of their full cooperation. Our tasks become more difficult when the people we're counting on give us a headache instead of a hand. This is so true even in Rotary and yes even in our own family or with friends and colleagues.
Wouldn't it be nice, though, if everyone we dealt with not only gave us a smile, but gave us a gift? Of course, we cannot control the thoughts, feelings, and actions of others, so the only gifts that we can be sure of are those that we give to others. Since the joy is in the giving, why not become a bearer of gifts? Let's think about some gifts we can offer to others, gifts that won't cost us anything, yet are worth more than gold. The gift of Compassion. It is more than mere caring or concern. It is love in action. For example, someone at work is stymied by a problem and you have a spare moment, so you immediately jump in, without being asked, and offer a helping hand.
A moment's reflection will reveal many other ways we can express our compassion. For instance, when someone else is trying to speak, we can offer the gifts of Silence and a Listening Ear. Or when others are trying to express a dissenting opinion, we can agree with their right to have such a view, and use it to expand our own understanding, rather than try to convert them to our way of thinking.
The gift of Honesty. If it were a commodity exchanged in the Stock Market, its price would be on the rise because of its scarcity in the business world. We can make a big difference by helping to restore it. If we're in sales, instead of trying to sell a bill of goods, we can sell service, support, and knowledge. That is, we can be a help, rather than a hindrance. If we're asked about something we don't know, we can be honest and admit our ignorance. And if it's within our capacity to find the answer, we can make the effort to do so.
The gift of Recognition. People are criticized more often than they are recognized. As a result, they are starving for recognition. Because sincere praise is as rare as diamonds, it has great value. Thomas Fuller wrote in 1732, "He injures a fair lady that beholds her not." That is, he that doesn't admire a beautiful woman insults her! After all, if she took the time and effort to look good, shouldn't we acknowledge that?
The gift of Interest. What do you imagine is the worst thing you can do to someone? It is not to hate them, for hate is sparked by jealousy or fear. Although highly negative, such feelings at least recognize them. No, the worst thing you can do to others is to ignore them. To deny their existence. To have no interest in them.
The gift of Sincerity. One of the greatest gifts of all, for it is a beacon. When we act out of sincerity we act without desiring a reward. We offer each of the above gifts with no motive other than it is the right thing to do. Sincere people do not try to improve others, they just try to better themselves, but in doing so, they improve the world. Rather than trying to grab from life as much as they can, they try to add whatever they can.
The gift of Time. It is a priceless gift, for it is the only one that is a nonrenewable resource. In each of our lives, there is a limited allotment of time. Once used, it is gone forever, never to be replaced. Since time is the stuff our lives are made of, when we spend time with others, we are giving the greatest gift of all, ourselves. When we encourage others and cheer them on, we infuse their life with meaning; we make their life worthwhile. What greater gift can we offer? Each gift is not meant to be thought of in the abstract, but is meant to be lived. Not in the future, but now.