Roadway Adoption 2022
On Saturday, May 14, 2022, Rotarians Shane Jarabelo and Randy Tan, Ayala High School Interact Club members and Chino Hills Boy Scouts Troop #1776 boy scouts, walked along Grand Avenue from Monteverde Drive to Founders Drive picking up litter and trash and surveying the road for signs of damage.
Litter Removal
Roadside Clean-Up 2020
Rotarians Randy Tan, Shane Jarabelo and Tony Raphael were joined by members of the Ayala High School Interact Club at the roadside clean-up project along Grand Avenue between Founders Drive and Monteverde Drive on the morning of Saturday, November 21, 2020.

Rotary In Action

The Rotary Club of Greater Chino Hills adopted a one-mile stretch of road on Grand Avenue between Founders Drive and Monteverde Drive as a community service project. Once a month, Rotarians in partnership with boy scouts from Chino Hills Troop #1776 walk along Grand Avenue picking up litter and trash and surveying the area for signs of graffiti and damage.
Rotarians Ted Alvarez, Rick Jiao and Shane Jarabelo and Scouts/Scouters from Troop #1776 participated in the monthly road clean-up on Saturday, September 7, 2019.
According to Rotary International, "Rotary In Action showcases all of the many ways that clubs connect with the local communities, providing opportunities to partner and join in on very worthwhile causes".

Interact in Action

Roadside Adoption Project

Saturday, March 27, 2021
On Saturday, March 27, 2021, Interact Club members joined Rotarians and Boy Scouts to walk along Grand Avenue from Monteverde Drive to Founders Drive, pick up litter and trash and survey the road for signs of damage ensuring the cleanliness of the road.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Ayala High School Interact Club members participated in the Roadside Adoption Project of their Interact Club's sponsor, the Rotary Club of Greater Chino Hills. On Saturday morning, September 21, 2019, Interactors picked up trash and litter and checked for damage along the mile of Grand Avenue that the Rotary Club adopted for clean-up.
Christmas Party 2024
The Rotary Club of Greater Chino Hills hosted its Christmas Party at the McCoy Residence and Equestrian Center on Tuesday, December 3.

Wickman Elementary School Beautification Project

For the schoolyear 2020-2021, the Ayala High School Interact Club chose the Chino Hills Wickman Elementary School Beautification Project of the Chain Link Fence Art as its local community service project.  The club members, many of whom are graduates of Wickman Elementary School, held numerous fundraisers including Chipotle food sales and Ding Tea drink sales throughout the year.  The Interact Club donated the proceeds from these fundraisers to purchase materials for the Chain Link Fence Art.  Then club members gathered on May 12th at the school grounds and installed the cup signage art in the fence panels.

Congratulations 2021 Graduates

Interact Club members Noah Tran, Courtney Hino, Rylan Goshi, Jacob Tan, Akaash Bahl, and Amer Halloush graduated from Ayala High School on Thursday, May 27, 2021.
Ayala High School Interact Club Officers; Courtney Hino (Treasurer), Rylan Goshi (Vice President), Jacob Tan (President), and Akaash Bahl (Web and Media).
The Rotary Club of Greater Chino Hills congratulates the Interact Club members on their graduation from Ayala High School and wish them continued success as they embark on the next phase of their education.  The Club members are very proud of the Interact Club's various community service projects in Chino Hills.

2021 Paul Harris Fellows

In 2021, Rotarians Randy Tan and Shane Jarabelo became Paul Harris Fellows.  At the Installation of Officers during the Club's dinner meeting on Saturday, June 26, 2021, Outgoing Club President Randy Tan passes the gavel to Incoming Club President Shane Jarabelo.
During the Club's dinner meeting on Saturday, June 26, Outgoing President Randy Tan and Outgoing Secretary Dolly Dalusong present Rotarian Vincent Enverga with the Paul Harris Fellow pin and certificate as the Club's newest Paul Harris Fellow.

2017 Paul Harris Fellows

Ted Alvarez
Dolly Dalusong
Tita De Guzman
Rick Jiao
Tessie Lightholder
Ginny Mondonedo (not in photo)
Rose Hwang (not in photo)
These club members received their Paul Harris certificates from Rotary District 5300 Governor Raghada Khoury and Assistant Governor Jeanne Batista during the District Governor's visit to the club on Wednesday, November 18, 2017.
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of US $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.